Getting started with Incentivized Testnet

2 min readApr 28, 2023


Testnet overview

The Humans Incentivized Testnet, known as “Friction,” consists of three phases. Throughout these phases, selected Validators will learn about the project and the validation process, complete various technical and community challenges, and build helpful tools. Validators will receive points for task completion, serving as preparation for the upcoming Humans Mainnet, scheduled to launch on May 29, 2023. Points earned by Validators during the Incentivized Testnet will be converted to Mainnet $HEART tokens, with up to 0.25% of the total token supply allocated to the Testnet.

Our configuration

Choosing the right hardware is a crucial step before setting up any node. At StakeAngle, we utilize bare metal servers in a reliable Cloud Provider data center for the Humans Incentivized Testnet. Our server configuration includes the following:

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700 (8 cores, 16 threads)
  • RAM: 64 GB DDR5
  • Disks: 2 TB NVMe SSD
  • Connection: 1 Gbit/s

This configuration should be sufficient for stable node operation.

Getting started

The initial task for validators involved creating a gentx file and submitting a pull request on GitHub. The Humans team provided an excellent step-by-step guide for validators. As we are already quite familiar with the process, having participated in 20 Cosmos-SDK-based Mainnets and numerous testnets, the procedure was relatively simple.

Following the gentx collection, the final genesis.json file was released, and the Genesis time was set for April 28, 2023, at 12:00 UTC. The launch proceeded smoothly, and we successfully signed the first block.

You can now track our participation using the following Explorer link:

Moving forward

With our node up and running, we will actively engage in completing the various tasks assigned to Validators during the Humans Incentivized Testnet. As we progress through each phase, we will continue to enhance our understanding of the project and contribute to the operation of a robust and secure network. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming phases and the successful launch of the Humans Mainnet.

Learn more about Humans

Incentivized Testnet page:




Crypto Enthusiast & Investor | Founder of StakeAngle